Christmas Nativity Hike
Join us for our Christmas fundraising event on Saturday, December 7th from 3:30-6:30PM
Discover the meaning of Christmas as you hike through the forest set as the nativity story. Check out our petting zoo, raffle, auction, food, s’mores and do a family craft.
Nativity Hike
Learn about the Christmas story as you hike through the beautifully decorated forest, hearing different parts of the nativity story and meet our live student actors along the way. Afterwards, stop by the craft table to make a Christmas craft.
Before you leave, visit the concession table and support our school by purchasing our fresh local honey, hot chocolate, and s’mores kit to cook over the fire. There will be a food and a hot chocolate bar, raffles, auction items and a petting zoo.
Tickets for our Nativity Hike start at $20 per family and include the hike, a Christmas craft and access to our petting zoo! Concessions and other services are a separate cost.
We strongly recommend purchasing admission tickets ahead of time.
Saturday, December 7th, 3:30 - 6:30 p.m.
The Event
The Hike will take place every 15-30 minutes. You’ll be able to swing by the craft table, do your nativity hike, and check out all the event activities on your own time. Just make sure to arrive before our final hike at 6:15pm!